Ordering, deployment and configuration of services under Telia Hosting can easily be done in the self-service portal with the help of our support articles and guides. If needed we can do most tasks for you as separately billed hourly work. Below are some examples of our professional services offered. Services not mentioned below will be billed according to our hourly rate list.

Hourly rate for professional work is 165 € / starting hour (VAT 0%). Billing from the starting half hour according to the duration of the completed work.

You can order professional work from our customer service by opening a new service request in MyNebula. If you don't have a MyNebula account yet, you can see the instructions for creating an account on our help page.

Time estimate
Changes to DNS records, Linking domain to M365-services, DNSSEC activation 30 min


Time estimate
Changes in cPanel 30 min
Creating FTP-credentials  
Certificate installation and forcing HTTPS 30 min
Log investigation 60 min
Creation of a placeholder website 30 min
Redirections 30 min
Backup restore 30 min
Wordpress installation to an empty site 30 min
Wordpress password reset 30 min
Change of main domain 30 min


Time estimate
Password reset 30 min
Creation of a new email / redirection 30 min
Backup restore 30 min


Procedure / Time estimate
Callback from export 30 min
Invoice settlement fee 39,99 €
Updating contact information 14,99 €
Sending of an invoice copy 14,99 €
Transfer of services to another company 60 min
Rewrite of an invoice 39,99 €

If you can’t find the procedure you are looking for on the list or can’t find instructions for it, please contact our customer service.

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