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Telia Webhotel S


Disk Space 5 GB
Bandwidth 60 GB
Performance x1
Email accounts 5 accounts
SQL databases not included
Addon Domains not included
Alias Domains 1

Telia Webhotel M


Disk Space 10 GB
Bandwidth 110 GB
Performance x1
Email accounts 10
SQL databases 1
Addon Domains 5
Alias Domains 3

Telia Webhotel XL

Starting from

Disk Space 50 GB
Bandwidth 410 GB
Performance x2
Email accounts 150
SQL databases 25
Addon Domains 40
Alias Domains 10

All webhotel packages include daily backups, free TLS certificates, unlimited mail distribution lists, unlimited FTP accounts and unlimited subdomains. Packages with database feature can utilize the WPAccelerate cache and have access to a software installer which can be used to install and manage a wide variety of software to your service. All servers are running on CloudLinux OS 8 which means you can use PHP versions from 5.1 to 8.3 to run your website.